I started this time with a 12 x 12 sheet of board from Tando, and I pinched a mechanism out of one of my other clock kits, sat in the cupboard. I had a bag of Tando cogs, and several cog dies. I also used the large circular clock face. I had in mind Andy's rust technique, but more blingy.
I sealed both sides of the board with matte medium, and punched a hole in the centre of the board with my crop-o-dile. I cut several cogs and glued them down on the board, and some webby stuff from my stash, and used a clock face mask with modelling paste. I then painted the lot with lamp black, three coats, to give it a good base. When it was dry, I gave it two washes (allowing it to dry in between coats).
Then I got my new Stewart Gill paints out! These are billed as jewel tones, and oh yes! They are. The colours mix really well, and there are also some amazing iridescent mixers too. I completely forgot to take a picture while I was painting, so this one is from when it was assembled (whoops).
I painted the clock face in shades of green and gold; I was thinking verdigris, but heavy on the gold.
The Tando cogs I painted separately, that is, straight in with the jewel paints. The photographs really don't do it justice - the shimmer is amazing!
I wanted to add 'weights', so broke out the beads! I cut some chain down, and created some embellishments using beads, and some more of the cogs, glued together. I also had some nice time themed metal embellishments, which got rubbed with alcohol ink, to tie them in to the colour scheme.
Then I came to assemble to the clock - and realised (again - I did exactly the same thing last time!) that the mechanism needs two layers of board, not just one! So, one of the spare circles I had over in my stash went through the big shot, to create another cog.
This has definitely been the most involved piece I have done to date. Plenty of layers of paint, and then making all the bead drops for the weights!
I finished the back off , swooshing around the edges with black paint, and then with a sheet of black card - using the big shot pro (ooh, new toy!) to cut a cog out of the centre, so I could put the mechanism through the central hole.
Now FOUR Tando clocks around the house....
Hope you like - I really do!
Tando Creative: 12x12board, 12" round clock face, Cogs grab bag,
Paint and Ink
Stewart Gill Byzantia: Laurelius, Constantine, Seraphym
Stewart Gill Galactica: Holo Silver
Stewart Gill Alchemy: White Opal, White Mist,
Stewart Gill Meta Mica: Bright Gold
DecoArt Americana: Lamp Black
DecoArt Traditions: Transparent Red Iron Oxide, Quinacridone Gold
Spellbinders: Sprightly Sprockets S5-048
Sizzix Tim Holtz Alterations: Mini gears set 657211, Gadget Gears 656636
Bling and glitz
Chain, beads, wire from stash
Embellishments from stash
Web ribbon stuff (!) from stash
DecoArt Modelling paste
Tando Creative Clock face mask
Claudine Helmuth Matte medium
This is great.